Welcome to Passport, a collection of mostly wordless posts, usually sent from an airport lounge. Catch me if you can 🌎🌴✈️
I started writing this in the departure lounge of the Miami airport but boarded my flight before I could press send. Then, the American election happened it suddenly didn’t feel right to be sharing joyful travel content while so many of my American friends are grieving and deeply concerned about the future (I’m Canadian, but oof, me too.) If you’re hurting right now, I see you 💖
If I’ve learned anything over the past few years of navigating grief, it’s that beautiful moments can co-exist with truly gut-wrenching ones. So, in addition to doubling down on my donations to the ACLU and other causes I believe in and providing a soft landing pad for my American friends, I’m going to continue creating the things I want to see in the world and sharing those moments of beauty with you all.
Bienvenido a Miami, a city that feels cinematic.